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.: Atelier sur le Développement local et la planification, Mer Morte, Jordanie, 14-15 Mars 2007

Cet atelier est organisé par l’équipe du GTZ/PAMD Project – Jordanie et la Banque mondiale (WBI/KNA MENA), avec la participation de plusieurs autorités régionales, d’organisations internationales comme des agences des Nations Unies (par exemple, l’UNOPS) et d’ONG telles que le Glocal Forum et la Jordan River Foundation. Cet atelier a essentiellement pour sujet la planification du développement local et la participation des acteurs locaux et plus particulièrement de la population locale.

  • Mise en contexte :
    Dans le but plus large de promouvoir le développement local dans la région MENA, un processus de coordination a été mis en place sur des questions de gouvernance urbaine et locale entre diverses organisations telles que le World Bank Institute (KNA-MENA), GTZ Jordanie (Agence allemande pour la coopération technique), GTZ Tunisie, UNOPS, UNITAR, le Glocal Forum, Hamyaran, InWent, l’A.E.I.D.L (Association européenne pour l’information sur le développement local) et le ministère français des Affaires étrangères.
    Ce partenariat s’est construit au cours du forum de développement MENA (MDF5) à Beyrouth en avril 2006, pendant deux rencontres sur « Les réformes de la gouvernance pour une meilleure efficacité urbaine au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord » et lors d'un petit-déjeuner-réunion au cours de la cinquième conférence annuelle sur la « glocalisation » (Fifth Annual Glocalization Conference) à Ankara en juillet 2006. Les participants à ces réunions ont concentré leur attention sur plusieurs objectifs : mieux comprendre le besoin de renforcement des capacités des autorités locales de la région MENA, s'accorder sur des concepts et des principes de gouvernance locale et urbaine, identifier des domaines de coopération et mettre en place un plan d'action commun pour des activités communes.
    Le séminaire prévu en Jordanie constitue donc la première activité commune de ces partenaires pour la gouvernance locale. L’équipe du projet « Réduction de la pauvreté par le développement municipal » (PAMD) et la KNA-MENA sont chargés de la planification et de gestion de cet atelier. D’autres activités communes, un portail Internet commun sur les actions de gouvernance locale dans la région MENA et des réunions régulières sont d’ores et déjà envisagés pour l’avenir.

  • Objectif :
    Dans ce contexte général, la première analyse en profondeur traitera de la planification du développement local et urbain et de la participation active des acteurs locaux, de la population et des associations locales à ce processus. L’atelier se déroulera suivant deux axes principaux :
    ~ réfléchir sur les processus et outils de la planification du développement local ;
    ~ impliquer les acteurs locaux et la population et leur donner du pouvoir dans ce développement.

  • Informations
    ~ Voir le programme de l'atelier (exclusivement en anglais) - Version Arabe
    ~ Note de cadre de l'atelier (exclusivement en anglais)
    ~ Liste des participants
    Vue d'ensemble du séminaire

  • Interventions lors de cet atelier (exclusivement en anglais) :
    ~ MacLean-Abaroa, R., "Concept of Citizen participation: The example of La Paz, Bolivia", World Bank Institute.
    ~ Wakely, P., "Participatory Local Development and Planning: Some basic concepts", Specialist in Urban Governance and Management
    ~ Jamaly, R., "Local Planning in the Middle East: The example of Tripoli, Lebanon", Mayor of Tripoli
    ~ Nakhla, M., "The role of private sector in local development: The example of environmental quality services, Egypt", Environmental Quality Services ~ See the speech
    ~ K Thampi, G., "Example for citizen participation in local governance from outside MENA: Bangalore Report Cards, India", Public Affairs foundation
    ~ Naimat, S., "Case study on Participatory Local development and planning in the three pilot Municipalities (Shouala, Deir Alla, Ayel)" GTZ PAMD Pilot Municipality
    ~ Nigro, S., "We are the future program in Nablus, Palestine" Glocal Forum
    ~ Spiekermann, M., "Cultural Heritage and Urban Development" GTZ Syria ~ See the speech
    ~ Maestre, P., "Plan Sevilla 2010: Mobilization of a Local Community" Sevilla Global, Spain
    ~ El Khatib, H., "Support for the Improvement of Local Governance - Giving the local collectivities the opportunities to better respond to the citizen' expectations", OMSAR, Lebanon
    ~ Bakir, N., "Ministry of Municipals Affairs and the Cities and Villages Development Bank's Case study on Participatory Local Development and Planning"
    ~ Ministry of Local Administration, "Decentralization and Local Development Support Program" The Republic of Yemen
    ~ Zaki Ismail, A., "Brital Municipality case study on Local Development", Mayor of Brital, Lebanon
    ~ Kuhle, H., "The neighborhood Fund in Berlin" A.E.I.D.L., Germany
    ~ Barghout, M., "Participatory Planning for improved Local Water Governance", EMPOWERS-Project, Jordan
    ~ Aubert, J-E., "Participatory Local Development and Planning Workshop: Finding right balances, methodological principles", World Bank Institute

  • Vidéos prises lors des interventions (Textes en anglais) :

    ~ Opening Session of the Workshop

    Proceeding of H. E. Mr Thuheirat, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Jordan
    Session 1: Official Opening
    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr W. Prey, Country Director, GTZ Jordan and Palestine Territories
    Session 1: Official Opening
    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Aubert, Manager of the World Bank Country Office in Marseille
    Session 1: Official Opening
    [English] [Arabic]

    ~ Session 2: Overviews and Concept of Local Governance

    Proceeding of Mr Muhammad Kadhim, GTZ/PAMD
    Session 2: Overviews and Concepts of Local Governance
    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr McLean-Abaroa, Senior expert at WBI
    Sessions 2: Concept of citizen participation - The example of La Paz, Bolivia
    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Wakely, Specialist in Urban Governance and Management
    Session 2: Participatory Local Developement and Planning
    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Kuhle, A.E.I.D.L.,
    Session 2: Summary of the session

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Ed Cornies
    Session 2: Overview and Concept

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr El Achi, Mayor of Chouf
    Session 2: Overview and Concept

    [English] [Arabic]

    ~ Session 3: Case Study presentation

    Proceeding of Mr Pipien, Senior Urban Specialist
    Session 3: Presentation of the session

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Jamaly, Mayor of Tripoli, Lebanon
    Session 3: Local Planning in the Middle East - The example of Tripoli, Lebanon

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Nakhla, Environmental Quality Services, Cairo
    Session 3: The Role of private sector in local development

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr K Thampi, Public Affairs Foundation
    Session 3: Example for citizen participation in local governance from outside MENA; Bangladore Report Cards

    [English] [Arabic]

    ~ Session 4: Lessons of specific country programs supported by donors

    Proceeding of Mr Nigro, Glocal Forum
    Session 4: We are the future program in Nablus, Palestine

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Spiekermann, GTZ Syria
    Session 4: Cultural Heritage and Urban Development

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Chibli, Mayor of Aleppo
    Session 4: Lessons of specific country program (Aleppo)

    [English] [Arabic]

    ~ Session 5: Parallel workshop

    Proceeding of Ms El Khatib, OMSAR, Lebanon
    Session 5: Support for the Improvement of Local Governance - Giving the local collectivities the opportunities to better respond to the citizen' expectations

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Bakir, from Ministry of Municipal Affairs
    Session 5: Subgroups

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Zaki
    Session 5: Subgroups

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Kuhle, A.E.I.D.L.
    Session 5: The neighborhood Fund in Berlin

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Ms Bagrouth, EMPOWERS-Project, Jordan
    Session 5: Participatory Planning for improved Local Water Governance

    [English] [Arabic]

    ~ Closing session

    Proceeding of Mr Aubert, WBI
    Session 7: Participatory Local Development and Planning Workshop: Finding right balances, methodological principles

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Kadhim, GTZ/PAMD
    Session 8: Closing session

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding of Mr Pipien, WBI
    Session 8: Closing session

    [English] [Arabic]

    Proceeding the Minister of Municipality, Jordan
    Session 8: Closing session

    [English] [Arabic]

    Interviews of the workshop:

    ~ Question for Mayors :

    1. Why is it so important for a Municipality to have a long term local development planning ?

    Mr Chibli, Mayor of Aleppo
    [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr El Jamaly, Mayor of Tripoli

    Mr Al Shaibi, Mayor of Sana'a

    Mr El Achi, Mayor of Chouf, [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr Tetee, Mayor of Shouala

    Mr Maestre, Representative of City of Barcelona

    2. The principle of participation is crucial for good local governance. Which role, in your opinion, does the local population – represented through NGOs, enterprises, associations, and individuals - play in identifying key local issues and contributing to the formulation of development plans? What is the main advantage of using a participatory approach for local development and planning? And where do you see difficulties and conflict areas regarding collaboration with all local stakeholders?

    Mr Chibli, Mayor of Aleppo
    [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr El Jamaly, Mayor of Tripoli

    Mr Al Shaibi, Mayor of Sana'a

    Mr El Achi, Mayor of Chouf, [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr Tetee, Mayor of Shouala

    Mr Maestre, Representative of City of Barcelona

    3. What are, in your view, the best tools to involve local stakeholders in the decision-making processes of local authorities?

    Mr Chibli, Mayor of Aleppo
    [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr El Jamaly, Mayor of Tripoli

    Mr Al Shaibi, Mayor of Sana'a

    Mr El Achi, Mayor of Chouf, [Arabic] [English] [French]

    Mr Tetee, Mayor of Shouala

    Mr Maestre, Representative of City of Barcelona

    ~ Question for NGOs :

    1. In your opinion, which roles can local NGOs and associations play in identifying key local issues and contributing to the formulation of development plans? What is the added value for local authorities to involving you in their decision-making processes?

    Ms Hakki, ZENID

    Mr Qudah, Jordan River Foundation

    2. Where do you see or experience difficulties and conflict areas regarding collaboration and consensus building with local authorities?

    Ms Hakki, ZENID

    Mr Qudah, Jordan River Foundation

    3. What, in your view, are the most important tools and institutions to govern the interactions between community members and local governments?

    Ms Hakki, ZENID

    Mr Qudah, Jordan River Foundation

    ~ Questions for Central Governments

    1. What do you think, why is it so important to have local development planning managed by local authorities?

    Mr Bakir, From Ministry of Municipal Affairs

    Ms Al Wally Al Sharki, Social Fund for Development

    2. The principle of participation is crucial for good local governance. Which role, in your opinion, does the local population – represented through NGOs, enterprises, associations, and individuals - play in identifying key local issues and contributing to the formulation of development plans?

    Mr Bakir, Ministry of Municipal Affairs

    Ms Al Wally Al Sharki, Social Fund for Development

    3. What, in your view, is the main challenge for central governments to better support and facilitate participative local development and planning?

    Mr Bakir, Ministry of Municipal Affairs

    Ms Al Wally Al Sharki, Social Fund for Development

    4. What do you identify as most important tools and institutions to govern the interactions between community members and local governments?

    Mr Bakir, Ministry of Municipal Affairs

    Ms Al Wally Al Sharki, Social Fund for Development

    ~ Questions for Organizers

    1. What is your work program?

    Mr Kadhim, GTZ PAMD Jordan
    [Arabic] [English]

    Mr Pipien, World Bank, KNA MENA

    2. What are your objective with the organization of this Participatory Local Development and Planning workshop?

    Mr Kadhim, GTZ PAMD Jordan
    [Arabic] [English]

    Mr Pipien, World Bank, KNA MENA