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.: International Association of Cities and Ports (IACP)
The International Association of Cities and Ports is a network of decision-makers, technicians and development experts representing over 100 ports. The aim of this permanent interaction, information and contact body is to help optimise project implementation for cities and ports and their institutional and economic partners.
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.: Association Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF)
This international French-speaking mayors’ association brings together the mayors of capitals and other large cities which are at least partly French-speaking. A total of 166 cities in 46 pays are represented. The association’s aim is to facilitate meetings and interaction between mayors concerning the entire range of urban problems.
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.: Anima
Anima is a Euro-Mediterranean network of investment-promotion agencies. Its aim is to optimise the capacities of national agencies with responsibility for investment in the MEDA countries.
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.: Arc Latin
Arc Latin brings together 62 local authorities in the north-western part of the Mediterranean Basin. It’s aim is to strengthen and develop links between the two sides of the Mediterranean. It works to enhance territorial dynamism, develop territorial solidarity and share its strategic plan and focus with all of the network partners.

.: Arab Urban Development Institute
This institute’s main aim is to enhance the quality of municipal services in Arab cities. It also works to develop and preserve the Arab cultural heritage.
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.: United Cities and Local Government (UCLG)
CGLU’s role as a global organisation for local authorities is to defend democratic local autonomy. It represents cities at the United Nations. Its key focuses are on: local action for democracy, liberty and development (e.g. the creation of a “local democracy observatory”; solidarity and promotion of the role of women at local level; building peace by developing cooperation between cities; and the modernisation of local management methods.
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.: Cities Alliance
Cities Alliance is a global coalition that brings together cities and their development partners. Its aim is to tackle poverty, establish direct dialogue with other organisations and strengthen the positive effects urbanisation.
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.: Cités Unies France (CUF)
CUF forms a network of some 2,000 local authorities committed to cooperation. Its aim is to provide support for local authorities in their decentralised cooperation initiatives.
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.: EuroCities
EuroCities is a network of European cities representing a platform for knowledge, experience sharing and dialogue with European establishments on such subjects as economic development, the environment and transport.
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.: GTZ, a German technical-cooperation firm
GTZ is a company that works for the German government. Its aim is to facilitate international cooperation projects. Work is conducted in areas such as rural development, economic development, the environment and infrastructure.
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.: Institut de Prévention et de Gestion des Risque (IPGR)
The City of Marseilles is a founder member of this network which brings together municipalities and other players, both public and private, in the area of global risk-prevention and management. As well as facilitating the sharing of experiences, documents and publications, this entity organises awareness-raising days. It also supports the network of Mediterranean cities through the organisation of seminars, etc.
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.: MedCités
MedCités, a network of coastal Mediterranean cities, was created in Barcelona in November 1991 on the initiative of the Mediterranean environmental technical-assistance programme or METAP (Programme d'assistance technique environnementale méditerranéen). The MedCités network is a tool designed to optimise local authorities’ environmental-management capacities and identify areas in which common action is the best means of improving regional environmental conditions.
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.: Medcoop
Medcoop is a collective for the development of decentralised cooperation in the Mediterranean region. As such, it aims to develop an experience-sharing platform, to inform widely of cooperation initiatives, to help constitute Euro-Mediterranean networks and to conduct actions on the ground.
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.: Metropolis
Metropolis is the World Association of Major Metropolises. It is also the metropolitan section of United Cities and Local Governments. Its aim is to foster international cooperation and exchanges between metropolitan governments. Metropolis defends the interests of metropolises in international forums and in the global network of major cities.
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.: Plan Bleu
Plan Bleu acts as a Regional Activity Centre for the Action Plan for the Mediterranean, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme. Its aims are to conduct long-range planning studies and propose actions. Among other things, focus is on questions relating to transport and to urban and rural spaces in the Mediterranean countries.
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.: World Local Authorities
Ubifrance, Dexia Crédit Local and Isted have pooled their resources and areas of expertise to produce a state of the art update on decentralisation via ALM/WLA. The three partners individually provide: useful data for French decision-makers abroad, expertise and financing for public service facilities and promotion of French know-how and closer links between local representatives throughout the world.