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.: Training: Launch of the training on Urban Transport in Morocco, Rabat, Januray, 8, 2008

The Ministry of Interior in Morocco and the World Bank have organized on January 8, 2008, in Rabat, Morocco a training on Urban Transport.

  • Background / Objectives

    The Moroccan Ministry of Interior (DGCL) brought together around twenty of the first trainees (Interior, Infrastructure, Casablanca, Rabat, Salé, Temara, Tangier, Agadir and Oujda) to present the program for the project and its principal objectives:
    ~ to provide extra training to reach a common basic knowledge in the area of urban transport (highways and traffic, parking, public transport, etc.);
    ~ to create a network of technicians in the Contracting-Authority departments (State and local authorities) and, beyond, a culture of urban transport specific to Morocco (high share of pedestrians, rapid urban growth, importance of taxis, etc.);
    ~ firstly, from 2008, to begin urban transport plans in cities that do not have any (the DGCL confirms having a budget for 2008 of 100 M Dhs) and secondly, to begin concrete "mini projects" prepared by each trainee.

    The mini projects will receive educational support during the sessions, then will be the subject of public support, in the presence of other trainees and their hierarchical authorities. The aim is that these mini projects be rapidly implemented with current resources. It means firstly ensuring that what is taught is understood, then testing the decision-making circuits, locating the players and then increasing the credibility of the new policy by concrete improvements that are perceptible both by citizens and elected representatives.

    Concerning the training on Urban Transport Plans, this action will accompany the launch in 2008 of a wave of UTP studies by the largest Moroccan cities (excluding Casablanca which has had one since 2004, and Rabat which has already begun the approach; including Tangier, which carried out one in 2002, but with no follow-up), with a subsidy of 50% (with a ceiling of 10 M Dhs) and technical support from the Moroccan Ministry of Interior (DGCL).

    Then, the afternoon was devoted to the UTP training itself, with speeches from four experts.

  • Informations

    ~ The presentation of the training day

  • Proceedings of this workshop :

    ~ M. Philippe BLANC, "Qu’est-ce qu’un bon Plan Directeur de Mobilité Urbaine (PDMU) ?", Professeur à la chaire Ville et transport, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse
    ~ M. Fernando NUNES DA SILVA, "Quelques questions-clé pour les PDU", Professeur en transport et urbanisme, Institut Supérieur Technique de l'Université de Lisbonne – CESUR, Portugal
    ~ M. Jean Philippe DARBOUR, "Les PDU à la française, une démarche réussie et à poursuivre ; une démarche pragmatique, adaptable...", Ingénieur au Ministère Français en charge du Transport, Groupe Déplacements Urbains, Départements Villes et Territoire, Centre d’Etudes Techniques
    ~ Intervention de Mme. Nathalie DEREME, "Mise en oeuvre des PDU, Capacités et participation des acteurs locaux", Conseillère en Mobilité, Chef du Service de la Mobilité de Namur, capitale wallonne, Belgique