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.: Consultation for the Middle East and North Africa of the World Development Report 2009
May 5-6, 2008, Marseille, France

World Development Report  

The World Bank publishes each year a World Development Report (WDR) focusing on a major issue of development policies. Such WDRs constitute reference documents for the world development community.
The topics of the last three reports were:
~ WDR 2008: Agriculture for Development
~ WDR 2007: Development and the Next Generation
~ WDR 2006: Equity and Development

The World Development Report is one of the vehicles used by the World Bank to engage in and promote dialogue with the development community. Each year, the different aspects of development are discussed through the report's main topic, chosen to reflect current development issues. The report seeks to analyze a wide range of issues and is not intended to focus on the Bank's operations since there are many other ways to evaluate the Bank's performance and policies. The variety of debates is essential for the report. This is why, each year, the Bank's WDR unit consults with experts, stakeholders, and decision-makers worldwide. It collects their comments on successive versions of the draft document thus benefiting from the different points of view that will contribute to enrich the report.

The World Development Report 2009 will focus on "spatial disparities and development policy".

Consultation on the Middle East and North Africa Region  

A consultation is being organized for the Middle East and North Africa Region in Marseilles, for May 5-6, 2008. The consultation, an initiative of the French government, will be organized by the Marseilles Office of the World Bank (WBI/KNA MENA) and will relate to consultations conducted in Africa.

In view of the region's specific characteristics and the previous consultations conducted in other countries, the workshop will focus on the following three thematic issues:
~ Urban-rural transformation and the emergence of slums
~ Territorial development and decentralization
~ Regional and global integration

~ Concept note of the consultation
~ Participants
~ Program
~ Report of the seminar (Coming soon)
~ Conclusions of the seminar
~ Summery of the conclusions of the seminar

Proceedings of the consultation:

~ General presentation of the consultation, Mr. Gill, WDR
~ Presentation on spacial dimension of development, Mr. Arnaud (In French)
Presentation of the consultation in Africa, Mr Kouadio, ENSEA (In French)
~ Presentation of the theme A, Ms. Chorching Goh- Efficient and Inclusive Urbanization
~ Report of the theme A by Mr. O. Lavinal (in French only)
~ Presentation of the World Bank's Urban Development Strategy, Ms Joshi-Ghani and Mr. Karam
~ Report of the presentation of the World Bank's Urban Development Strategy by Mr. P Mayet (in French)
~ Presentation of the theme B, Mr. Truman Packard - Findings and emerging messages on Territorial Development
~ Presentation of the theme C, Mr. Deichmann - Findings and emerging messages on Regional Integration
~ Report of the theme C by Mr. J-L. Reiffers (in French only)
~ Challenges for the Middle East and North Africa, Mr. Kremer, World Bank

  • Videos of the consultation:

    ~ Opening session

    Mr. Snrech
    MOFA- France
    Context of the consultation
    [French] [English]

    Mr. Gill
    General presentation of the consultation
    [French] [English]

    Mr. Arnaud
    International expert
    Presentation on spacial dimension of development
    [French] [English]

    Mr. Kouadio
    Presentation of the consultation in Africa
    [French] [English]

    ~ Topic A: Efficient and inclusive urbanization

    Ms. Goh
    Presentation of the theme A: Efficient and Inclusive Urbanization
    [French] [English]

    Ms. Kharfi
    Ministry of urban planning and evironment - Algeria
    Point of vue discussant

    [French] [English]

    ~ Special session: the World Bank's Urban Development Strategy

    Ms. Joshi Ghani & Mr. Steeve Karam
    World Bank
    Presentation of the World Bank's Urban Development Strategy

    [French] [English]

    ~ Report of the first day

    Ms. Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group

    [French] [English]

    ~ Topic B: Territorial development

    Mr. Packard
    Presentation of the theme B: Findings and emerging messages on Territorial Development

    [French] [English]

    Mr. Chorfi
    Ministry of habitat, urbanism and urban planning - Morocco
    Point of vue discussant

    [French] [English]

    ~ Topic C: Regional integration to access global markets

    Mr. Deichmann
    Presentation of the theme C: Findings and emerging messages on Regional Integration

    [French] [English]

    Ms. Sobhy
    GAFI - Egypt
    Point of vue discussant

    [French] [English]

    ~ Challenges for the Middle East and North Africa

    Mr. Kremer
    World bank
    Challenges for the Middle East and North Africa

    [French] [English]

    ~ Conclusions

    Mr. Gill

    [French] [English]

    Mr. Aubert
    World Bank

    [French] [English]

    Ms. Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group

    [French] [English]

  • Interviews of the consultation:

    ~ Question 1 : What is the role of the territory for the development?

    Mr. Chorfi
    Ministry of habitat, urbanism and urban planning - Morocco
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Compaoré
    City of Ouagadougou / Mayors association - Burkina Faso
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Crepin
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Elong MBassi
    United Cities and Local Governments of Africa - UCLGA
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Ali
    Ministry of local administration and environment - Syria
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Hamdan
    Consultation and Research Institute - Liban
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Kharfi
    Ministry of urban planning and environment - Algeria
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group
    [Watch the interview]

    Ms Sobhy
    GAFI - Egypt
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Veltz
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    ~ Question 2 : Is urbanization a chance or a threat for development?

    Mr. Chorfi
    Ministry of habitat, urbanism and urban planning - Morocco
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Compaoré
    City of Ouagadougou / Mayors association - Burkina Faso
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Crepin
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Elong MBassi
    United Cities and Local Governments of Africa - UCLGA
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Ali
    Ministry of local administration and environment - Syria
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Hamdan
    Consultation and Research Institute - Liban
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Kharfi
    Ministry of urban planning and environment - Algeria
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group
    [Watch the interview]

    Ms Sobhy
    GAFI - Egypt
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Veltz
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    ~ Question 3 : What effect does globalization have on the spatial disparities?

    Mr. Chorfi
    Ministry of habitat, urbanism and urban planning - Morocco
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Compaoré
    City of Ouagadougou / Mayors association - Burkina Faso
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Crepin
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Elong MBassi
    United Cities and Local Governments of Africa - UCLGA
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Ali
    Ministry of local administration and environment - Syria
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Hamdan
    Consultation and Research Institute - Liban
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Kharfi
    Ministry of urban planning and environment - Algeria
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group
    [Watch the interview]

    Ms Sobhy
    GAFI - Egypt
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Veltz
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    ~ Question 4 : How can the exchanges of knowledge and experiences be useful for the development of the MENA region?

    Mr. Chorfi
    Ministry of habitat, urbanism and urban planning - Morocco
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Compaoré
    City of Ouagadougou / Mayors association - Burkina Faso
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Crepin
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Elong MBassi
    United Cities and Local Governments of Africa - UCLGA
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Mr. Ali
    Ministry of local administration and environment - Syria
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Hamdan
    Consultation and Research Institute - Liban
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Kharfi
    Ministry of urban planning and environment - Algeria
    [Watch the interview] In French only

    Ms Léautier
    Consultant - The Fezembat Group
    [Watch the interview]

    Ms Sobhy
    GAFI - Egypt
    [Watch the interview]

    Mr. Veltz
    [Watch the interview] In French only