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.: "Innovative metropolitan territories: technology parks and competitiveness clusters" Workshop,
June 19-20 Tunis, Tunisia

Conference organised by the World Bank, Marseille City Council, and GTZ
in partnership with the Urban Community of Marseille Provence Métropole, Marseille Innovation and the Marseille Provence Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Under the patronage of the Tunisian Ministry for Research, with the support of Tunis City Council

The conference, which is aimed at local decision makers in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, fits into the framework of discussion that the World Bank hopes to lead, alongside other donors, on conditions for the success and development of technology park projects in the Maghreb countries.
On account of their strong involvement in several technology parks in Marseille, the Château Gombert Technology Park and Marseille Innovation are eager to take part in the debate, focusing on their experience in the Marseille area.

The two day conference, which will be attended by 150 people, will be structured around 5 workshops (In French onnly):
~ Workshop 1: Governance: the institutional approach and the network of industry players
~ Workshop 2: The role of the technology park in developing innovative enterprises
~ Workshop 3: The relationship between the technology park and metropolitan area
~ Workshop 4: Technology, knowledge and dynamics in competitiveness clusters
~ Workshop 5: Funding for technology parks and competitiveness clusters

  • Informations
    ~ Draft Program of the workshop (In French only)
    ~ Concept note of the workshop (In FrenchS only)
    ~ Conclusions of the workshop (In French only)

  • Press
    ~ Press Release to announce the workshop (In French only)
    ~ Press Release to conclude the workshop (In French only)
    ~ Issue from Nawafid, "Les enjeux des technopôles au Maghreb" la lettre d’information trimestrielle du Groupe de la Banque mondiale au Maghreb, Janvier 2007 (In French only)
    ~ Issue from the Tunisian newspaper Le Temps, "Technopôles dans les pays maghrébins, La recherche scientifique « se recherche » encore" Salah Ben Hamadi, Juin 2007 (In French only)
    ~ Issue from Enjeux Mediterranée, "Les enjeux des Technopoles au Maghreb", April 2007 (In French only)

  • Proceedings of the Workshop (in French only):

    Official opening:
    ~ M. Larbi H., "Discours d'ouverture", Banque Mondiale
    ~ M. Horr M., "Discours d'ouverture", GTZ

    General presentation:
    ~ M. Guinet P., "La problématique des technopoles dans le développement", Banque Européenne d'Investissement
    ~ M. Djeflat A., "Etat des lieux des technopoles au Maghreb", Banque Mondiale

    Session 1: Governance: the institutional approach and the network of industry players

    ~ M. Belkahia K., "Territoires metropolitains innovants : Technopoles et pôles de compétitivité", Technopole de Bizerte en Tunisie
    ~ M. Darmon D., "Gouvernance, approche institutionnelle et systèmes d'acteurs", CCI Paris
    ~ Me Kharfi R., "Les pôles de compétitivité en Algérie, problématiques et démarches", Ministère de l'Aménagement du territoire en Algérie
    ~ M. Laenser H., "Casablanca Technopark : un modèle de partenariat Public-Privé", Technopark de Casablanca au Maroc
    ~ M. Llambrich-Lemonnier A., "Modèles de collaboration pour le dévelopment économique des secteurs de hautes technologies" Fondation pour l'Innovation Urbaine et l'Economie de la Connaissance
    ~ M. Ghorbel A., & M. Furlani A., Restitution de l'atelier 1

    Session 2: The role of the technology park in developing innovative enterprises

    ~ M. Abida N., "Pôle Elgazala et le développement des entreprises innovantes", Pôle des Technologies de la communication
    ~ M. Mouha M., "Les clés du progrès", Progress Engineering
    ~ M. Schmid H., "The Stuttgart Region and its Competence and Innovation Centres" Stuttgart Region Development Corporation
    ~ M. Schofer D., "Reasion for starting here", IT Centre Boblingen
    ~ M. Tamarelle F., "Les services à valeur ajoutée pour les entreprises innovantes: un impératif pour la croissance durable des technopoles et la valorisation de l’investissement dans les infrastructures", Mediptikar
    ~ M. Jahn D., & M. Othmani S., Restitution de l'atelier 2 (A venir)

    Session 3: The relationship between the technology park and metropolitan area
    ~ Me Ennaifar A., "Pôle Elgazala des Technologies de la Communication" Pole El Gazala
    ~ M. Karkouche S., "Comment planifier la prochaine génération de technopôles Une approche régionale axée sur les grappes pour créer des parcs technologiques efficients" Cyberpark de Sidi Abdallah en Algerie ~ Présentation du Cyberpark
    ~ M. Sellami F., "Sfax, d'une ville industrielle vers une métropole technopolitaine" Ville de Sfax, Tunisie
    ~ M. Tachouaft P., "L'exemple du technopole Marseille Provence", Technopole Chateau Gombert, Marseille, France
    ~ M. Hamdi L., & M. Haj Taieb R., Restitution de l'atelier 3

    Session 4: Technology, knowledge and dynamics in competitiveness clusters
    ~ M. Bedrani S., "Algérie : le comportement des acteurs favorise-t-il la création de technopôles ?" Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement, Algérie ~ Voir le texte de présentation
    ~ M. Bencharif A., "Opportunité de création de technopôles dans les pays du Maghreb,
    Enseignements à partir de l’exemple du secteur agro-alimentaire
    " Université de Montpellier
    ~ M. Dubarle P., "Technopologie, Connaissance et pôles de compétitivité" OCDE
    ~ M. Hamdi S., "Le PMI, levier de développement des pôles de compétitivité" Ministère de l'Industrie, Tunisie
    ~ Me Rumpf G., "Triple A Networking" Mediptikar
    ~ M. Rey C., & M. Louis J., Restitution de l'atelier 4

    Session 5 : Funding for technology parks and competitiveness clusters
    ~ Me Gingi N., "Le financement des technopoles et des pôles de compétitivité" BIAT Technopole de Monastir, Tunisie
    ~ Me Leaute S., "Les territoires métropolitains innovants : technopoles et pôles de compétitivité" Oseo ANVAR
    ~ Me Ruettgers H., "Le financement des technopoles et pôles de compétitivité" BEI, Femip
    ~ M. Terroir P., "Le financement des pôles de compétitivité" Caisse des Dépots et Consignations
    ~ M. Tourret J., "Quelle mesure du succès pour des projets de technopoles ?" Institut de la Mediterranée
    ~ M. Duvivier Y., & M. Soihili Z., Restitution de l'atelier 5

    Closing session
    ~ M. El Jazouli O., "Discours de cloture" Président de la Commission Mediterranée de CGLU, Maire de Marrakech

  • Vidéos of the workshop:

    ~ Opening session of the workshop (In French only)

    M. Lazhar Bououni
    Minister of Eeducation, of Scientific Research and Technology, Tunisia
    [Français] [English]

    M Abbes Moshen
    Mayor of Tunis
    [Français] [English]

    M Hedi Larbi
    World Bank
    [Français] [English]

    M Jean-Louis Tourret
    Assistant of the Mayor of Marseille
    [Français] [English]

    M Manfred Horr
    [Français] [English]

    ~ General presentation of Science Parks

    M. Guy Fleuret
    World Bank
    Problématique générale du séminaire
    [French] [English]

    M. Jean-Eric Aubert
    World Bank

    [French] [English]

    M. Philippe Guinet
    European Investment Bank
    Problématique des technopoles dans le développement
    [French] [English]

    M. Abdelkader Djeflat
    World Bank
    Etat des lieux des technopoles au Maghreb

    [French] [English]

    ~ Restitution of the workshops

    M Aleardo Furlani
    European Investment Bank
    Restitution de l'atelier 1

    [French] [English]

    M Slim Othmani
    NCA-Rouiba, Algérie
    Restitution de l'atelier 2

    [French] [English]

    M. Lotfi Hamdi
    Marseille Innovation
    Restitution de l'atelier 3

    [French] [English]

    M. Jacques Louis & M. Christian Rey
    European Investment Bank - Marseille Innovation
    Restitution de l'atelier 4

    [French] [English]

    M. Zile Soihili
    Restitution de l'atelier 5

    [French] [English]

    Questions / reponses

    [French] [English]

    ~ Synthesis of the restitutions

    M. Mohamed Kerkeni
    Ministry of Eeducation, of Scientific Research and Technology, Tunisia

    [French] [English]

    M. Jean-Eric Aubert
    World Bank, KNA MENA

    [French] [English]

    ~ Clothing session

    M. Omar El Jazouli
    President of the Mediterranean Commission of UCLG, Mayor of Marrakech, Morocco

    [French] [English]

    M. Abdelkader Benhadjoudja
    Principal private secretary of the Minister of Territory in Algeria

    [French] [English]

    M. Afif Chelbi
    Minister of Industry in Tunisia

    [French] [English]

  • Interviews du séminaire :

    ~ Question for the policians

    In what are they, in your opinion, essential to the economic development and the attractivity of a country/a territory/a metropolis? How do they contribute to cure the rate of unemployment of the diplomés young people? And, How for your direction, does one need asocier the local level and the national level?

    M. Rekik
    Adjoint au Maire de Tunis
    [See the interview]

    ~ Questions for the international organizations

    1. Which are, in your opinion, the key stakes of a successful financing of a technopole? Which role has to play the private sector?

    M. Philippe Guinet
    Banque Européenne d'Investissement
    [See the interview]

    M. Richard Woodham
    Intrasoft International
    [See the interview]

    2. In what these poles do need they the financings and the technical aid of the international financial backers?

    M. Philippe Guinet
    Banque Européenne d'Investissement
    [See the interview]

    M. Richard Woodham
    Intrasoft International
    [See the interview]

    3. Which are the assets of the MENA Region to cause the establishment and the creation of innovating companies?

    M. Philippe Guinet
    Banque Européenne d'Investissement
    [See the interview]

    M. Richard Woodham
    Intrasoft International
    [See the interview]

    ~ Questions for the technical decision makers

    1. Which role has to play the team of management of a technopôle in the definition and the implementation of its strategy?

    M. Brahim Kheireddine
    Ministère de l'Intérieur, Maroc
    [See the interview]

    Me Rabea Kharfi
    Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Algérie
    [See the interview]

    2. Which are the development prospects of the current poles of the MENA Region, in particular as regards diffusion of technology?

    M. Brahim Kheireddine
    Ministère de l'Intérieur, Maroc
    [See the interview]

    Me Rabea Kharfi
    Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Algérie
    [See the interview]

    3. Which services has to today propose a technopole to attract the companies?

    M. Brahim Kheireddine
    Ministère de l'Intérieur, Maroc
    [See the interview]

    Me Rabea Kharfi
    Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Algérie
    [See the interview]

    4. Up to what point do the technopolises of the area seem to you in measurement to have reached a sufficient critical mass to allow their development in particular as a mantière of Research and Development and innovation?

    M. Brahim Kheireddine
    Ministère de l'Intérieur, Maroc
    [See the interview]

    Me Rabea Kharfi
    Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Algérie
    [See the interview]

    ~ The point of view of an organizer

    Which are the continuations which you await from this seminar, for the cities and the financial backers?

    M. Guy Fleuret, Senior Urban Economist, World Bank, KNA MENA.
    [See the interview]