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.: Regional Urban Transport Seminar in Skhirat, Morocco
January, 22-23, 2008

Seminar organized by the World Bank, le City of Marseille, the Moroccan Ministry of Interior (DGCL/DPE), the Plan Bleu, CODATU, Medcities, AFD and the French Ministry of Ecology.

The objective of the workshop is to enable open and constructive exchanges to define new ways to approach urban mobility in Mediterranean cities that could meet the challenges of sustainable development. Elected officials and professionals in charge of urban transport will have the opportunity to meet and to share their experiences, to confront their points of view, and to determine points of reference that will guide their actions.
Within this framework, a guide of recommendations will be presented as a conclusion to the workshop.

The workshop will focus on the following: Urban Transport: Organization, Planning, and Financing

Workshop sessions will be organized around four specific topics:
~ Institutional organization, regulation, planning and citizen participation
~ Economic issues (costs, fares, subsidies) and financing (public, private, PPPs)
~ Conventional urban transport services (street-based and rapid transit)
~ Traffic management
As an introduction to the workshop, the current situation of urban transport in Mediterranean countries will be assessed after which, case studies, theoretical analysis, and field studies will be presented by experts. These case studies will not be limited to Mediterranean cities. They will also include reports on other cities in Europe and South America.

  • Informations
    ~ Concept Note of the seminar
    ~ Program of the seminar
    ~ Participants
    ~ Conclusions of the seminar

  • Guidance and Recommendations: Urban transport in the Mediteranean Region
    ~ Final version of the report in English
    ~ Final version of the report in French

  • Press coverage
    ~ Issue from L'Opinion, January 24, 2008 (in French)

  • Proceedings of the workshops: (most of the proceedings are in French only)

    Official Opening session
    ~ M. Chakib BENMOUSSA, Ministre de l’Intérieur Marocain
    ~ Me Daniela GRESSANI, Vice Présidente de la Région MENA, Banque Mondiale

    Speeches providing overviews and concepts of urban transport
    ~ M. Jamal SAGHIR, Directeur de l’Energie, des Transports et de l’Eau, Banque Mondiale "Les perspectives de la Banque Mondiale en Matière de Déplacements placements Urbains" - voir les notes
    ~ M. Xavier GODARD, Directeur de recherche, INRETS pour CODATU "La question de la mobilité urbaine en Méditerranée"
    ~ Me Silvia LARIA, Chargée de Mission Ville et Urbanisation, PNUE / Plan Bleu "Mobilitéurbaine et enjeux de développement durable en Méditerranée"
    ~ M. Nour Eddine BOUTAYEB, Wali Directeur Général des collectivités locales, Ministère de l’intérieur Marocain "Les déplacements urbains au maroc, situation et perspectives"

    Workshop 1: Institutional organization, planning…
    ~ Me Patricia VARNAISON REVOLLE, Chef du département Mobilité et Transport, CERTU "Présentation de l’atelier sur l’organisation institutionnelle et la planification"
    ~ M. Serge MERY, Vice-President, Syndicat des Transports d'Ile-de-France (STIF) "Organisation institutionnelle, planification"
    ~ M. Haluk GERCEK, Professeur, Istanbul Technical University "Urban transport planning and decision-making for large urban projects in turkey"
    ~ M. Angel LOPEZ, Directeur Service Mobilité, Ville de Barcelone "Le modèlede mobilitéde la villede Barcelone"
    ~ Me Patricia VARNAISON REVOLLE, Chef du département Mobilité et Transport, CERTU "Synthèse de l'atelier 1"

    ~ Restitution de l'atelier 1 : Me Danièle SCALISI, Chef de Cabinet, Ministère de l’Ecologie (MEDAD) et M. Mostafa AMEUR, Chef de la division de l’Equipement, Ministère de l’Intérieur

    Workshop 2: Transport modes
    ~ M. Sam ZIMMERMAN, Conseiller Transports Urbains, Banque Mondiale "Selecting Rapid Transit Modes"
    ~ Me Angelica CASTRO, General Manager, Transmilenio SA "Transmilenio system (bus rapid transit system in Bogota – Colombia) Urban transportation for mediterranean developing countries"
    ~ M. Ali HUZAYYIN, Professor of Transport and Traffic Planning Engineering, Université du Caire "Evolution of Cairo Transport & Land use and of their effects on energy & environment; problems, solutions and potentials"
    ~ M. Wissem GAIDA MAJHOUB, Direction générale de la planification, Ministère du Transport Tunisien "Projet des réseaux de transport en commun dans le Grand Tunis"
    ~ M. Bernard RIVALTA, Président, SYTRAL "Les systèmes de transports à Lyon"

    ~ Restitution de l'atelier 2 : M. Olivier CROUZIER, Directeur adjoint des Transports Terrestres et Maritimes, Chargé de mission au Port de Toulon, Ville de Toulon et Me BOUTALEB, Agence pour l’Aménagement de la Vallée du Bouregreg

    Workshop 3: Cost, fare subsidies, public and private financing

    ~M. Jean Charles CROCHET, Economiste Senior Secteur Transport, Banque Mondiale "Le Financement des Transports Urbains"
    ~M. Mohamed MEZGHANI, Directeur du Bureau Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient, Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP) "Quels financements pour les transports publics?"
    ~M. Sam ZIMMERMAN, Conseiller Transports Urbains, Banque Mondiale "US Federal Government Public Transport Program"
    ~ Me Patricia VARNAISON REVOLLE, Chef du département Mobilité et Transport, CERTU "Le financement des transports publics urbains en France"
    ~ M. Marc LE TOURNEUR, Directeur Général, Transport Agglomération Montpellier (TAM) "Un exemple de société d’économie mixte dans le domaine des transports, Tam1978 -2008"
    ~ M. M. JAMAI, Gouverneur Secrétaire Général de la Wilaya de Casablanca (Maroc) "Projet de réseau de Transport en Commun en Site Propre pour Casablanca"
    ~ Me Sarra REJEB, Directeur Général des Transports Terrestres, Ministère du transport Tunisien "La réforme du transport urbain en Tunisie"

    ~ Restitution de l'atelier 3 : M. Nicolas GAUTHIER, Expert Transports Urbains, Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées et M. El Hassan BRIRCHI, Universitaire, Ecole de Hassania des Travaux Publics

    Workshop 4: Traffic management and parking policy
    ~ M. Kamel SHOAR, Transport planning, Traffic Engineering, Transport Economics, Tarh-e-Haftom Consulting Engineers "The urban transport challenge - Recent innovative policies and measures in Tehran"
    ~ M. Daniel GARAUD, Ingénieur en chef, Chargé du Pôle Circulation - Dir. Voirie et Déplacements, Mairie de Paris "Le mobilien : un nouveau partage de l’espace public parisien"
    ~ M. Elias HELOU, Project Manager (Urban Transport Development Project UTDP), Council for Development and Reconstruction "Urban Transport Development Project For Greater Beirut Area"
    ~ Intervention de M. STUCKY de Transitec, "Gestion des circulations et du stationnement urbains", paneliste de l'atelier

    ~ Restitution de l'atelier 4 : M. Omar DRISSI KAITOUNI, Universitaire, Ecole Mohammedia des Ingénieurs et M. Janatri IDRISSI, Ministère de l’Equipement et du Transport Marocain

  • Conclusions of the seminar

    The main conclusions presented by the Moroccan Ministry of Interior, through the voice of the wali, director general for local authorities (DGCL) and KNA-MNA were as follows. They received a broad agreement from the audience:

    - Urban transport is a multidimensional subject. It covers in particular: urban public transport systems, construction and improvement street networks and major urban roads, traffic management, transport demand management, parking, taxis and informal urban transport, passenger and goods transport, and issues related to pedestrian and other non-motorized means of transport;

    - Urban transport is a tool for a balanced urbanization process;

    - Urban transport is best managed at the scale of the metropolitan area, generally covering a group of municipalities;

    - At this efficient scale, sound management is promoted if there is a special authority in charge of all aspects of urban transport, with full commitment and participation of the elected municipal councils and strong support from the central government;

    - Urban transport management needs to be guided by a global planning process, in good coordination with the urban planning process;

    - To build a heavy urban transport infrastructure is the easiest but not the best way to address urban transport issues: attention should be brought first to urban transport networks and systems within a multimodal framework;

    - "The best is the enemy of the good": indeed, the first step to improve any urban transport system is to optimize the use of existing assets, and generally, this means a major effort to support and improve bus networks;

    - The unit cost of investment of various transport modes is a good reference: 1 km metro = 5 km tramway = 25 km BRT. As a result, the majority of participants in the seminar were convinced, following the example of Bogota, of the need to support BRT projects in MENA countries; these provide a well adapted solution in the race against cars and urban growth;

    - There is a huge need for funding, estimated at around 1% of the local “PIB” annually, and a major gap exists today in MENA countries between investment needs and the public resources allocated for them;

    - It is possible to be optimistic! Solutions can generally be found and implemented, first with a real political will, second with the optimization of the existing urban transport systems (see BRT example), and third by generating new sources of funds;

    - Urban transport is the responsibility of all public authorities, national as well as local authorities, central governments as well as locally elected administrations; public funding is necessary and has to be shared fairly taking account of the means available to all public authorities;

    - New taxes or resources should generally be levied from those who create negative externalities (“polluters pay” principle) or the direct and indirect beneficiaries of public expenditures in the sector

    - The public urban space has to be shared fairly and efficiently between all different users, first pedestrians (who account for the largest share of the mobility), second, other none motorized transport modes (two wheels), third, buses, and, fourth, cars: this is an eminently political decision to be taken.

    - Effective traffic management, with bus priorities, is essential for sound mobility management;

    - Better managing transport demand (and especially automobile transport demand) will also be essential in the future; parking policy, congestion pricing, traffic restrictions, and coordination between land use and urban transport are essential tools for managing transport demand.

    - Road safety should be a priority for decision makers in urban areas (pedestrians are the largest group among those injured and killed in traffic accidents.

  • Vidéos of the sessions:

    ~ Official opening (videos in French only)

    M. Chakib BENMOUSSA
    Ministre de l’Intérieur Marocain
    [French] [English]

    Mme Daniela GRESSANI
    Vice Présidente de la Région MENA, Banque Mondiale
    [French] [English]

    M Henri-Luc THIBAULT
    Directeur, Plan Bleu
    [French] [English]

    M Jean-Claude ZIV
    Directeur, CODATU
    [French] [English]

    M François TIROT
    Adjoint du Directeur, Agence Francaise de Developpement
    [French] [English]

    ~ Overviews and concepts of urban transport

    M. Jamal SAGHIR
    Directeur de l’Energie, des Transports et de l’Eau, Banque Mondiale
    Les perspectives de la Banque Mondiale en Matière de Déplacements placements Urbains
    [French] [English]

    M. Xavier GODARD
    Directeur de recherche, INRETS pour CODATU
    La question de la mobilité urbaine en Méditerranée

    [French] [English]

    Mme Silvia LARIA
    Chargée de Mission Ville et Urbanisation, PNUE / Plan Bleu
    Mobilitéurbaine et enjeux de développement durable en Méditerranée

    [French] [English]

    M. Nour Eddine BOUTAYEB
    Wali Directeur Général des collectivités locales, Ministère de l’intérieur Marocain
    Les déplacements urbains au maroc, situation et perspectives

    [French] [English]

    ~ Synthesis of the workshops (videos in French only)

    M. Mostafa AMEUR
    Chef de la division de l’Equipement, Ministère de l’Intérieur

    [French] [English]

    M. Olivier CROUZIER
    Directeur adjoint des Transports Terrestres et Maritimes, Chargé de mission au Port de Toulon, Ville de Toulon

    [French] [English]

    M. Nicolas GAUTHIER
    Expert Transports Urbains, Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées

    [French] [English]

    M. Janatri IDRISSI
    Ministère de l’Equipement et du Transport Marocain

    [French] [English]

    ~ Conclusions

    M. Nour Eddine BOUTAYEB
    Wali Directeur Général des collectivités locales, Ministère de l’intérieur Marocain

    [French] [English]

    Membres du comité scientifique

    [French] [English]

  • Interviews of the participants:

    ~ Questions

    1. What is the importance of efficient urban transport for urban development, economic and social development of a city? What are the major issues facing your city and the cities in your country in ensuring such efficient urban transport?

    Mayor of Agadir, Morocco
    [See the interview in French]

    President of the Federation of SEM, France
    [See the interview in French ]

    President of SYTRAL, France
    [See the interview in French]

    Mr SHOAR
    Tarh-e-Haftom Consulting Engineers, Iran
    [See the interview in English]

    Director, Transmilenio SA, Colombia
    [See the interview in English]


    2. In your view, what are the priorities for action?

    Mayor of Agadir, Morocco
    [See the interview in French]

    President of the Federation of SEM, France
    [See the interview in French ]

    President of SYTRAL, France
    [See the interview in French]

    Mr SHOAR
    Tarh-e-Haftom Consulting Engineers, Iran
    [See the interview in English]

    Director, Transmilenio SA, Colombia
    [See the interview in English]


    3. What should be the role of national and local authorities for improving urban transport?

    Mayor of Agadir, Morocco
    [See the interview in French]

    President of the Federation of SEM, France
    [See the interview in French ]

    President of SYTRAL, France
    [See the interview in French]

    Mr SHOAR
    Tarh-e-Haftom Consulting Engineers, Iran
    [See the interview in English]

    Director, Transmilenio SA, Colombia
    [See the interview in English]


    4. What do you need to be able to pursue an efficient policy for urban transport? Can the examples of other cities or countries be useful and relevant to your city or your country, in this area?

    Mayor of Agadir, Morocco
    [See the interview in French]

    President of the Federation of SEM, France
    [See the interview in French ]

    President of SYTRAL, France
    [See the interview in French]

    Mr SHOAR
    Tarh-e-Haftom Consulting Engineers, Iran
    [See the interview in English]

    Director, Transmilenio SA, Colombia
    [See the interview in English]


    ~ overall Opinion on urban transport

    Director of technical affairs, Ministry of local administration and environment, Syria
    [See the interview in Arabic]

    Director, Governorate of Damascus, Syria
    [See the interview in Arabic]

    Mr JAMAI
    Deputy Minister, Wilaya of Casablanca, Morocco
    [See the interview in Arabic]

    Mr JAMAI
    Deputy Minister, Wilaya of Casablanca, Morocco
    [See the interview in French]

    >> Please click here to access to our document on Urban Transport in our bibliography